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Spring Sunrise over Penobscot Bay

Sunrise over Penobscot Bay begins as a deep, burnt orange line along the horizon, just where the ocean meets the sky.

Slowly, we begin to see the arc of the fireball as it creeps slowly upward in the center of the horizon.

The sky is blue and cloudless. It’s going to be another beautiful spring day in mid-coast Maine, albeit cold. Crisp.

Then, the sun’s movement upward picks up speed.

Quickly, the arc becomes a semi-circle, three-quarters, and voilà, the entire orange ball.

Within a half hour of seeing the colored horizon, the sun is mid-way up and now a white glowing vision. What began as vivid colors, turns white and blinding.

The Samoset Resort (and other coastal Maine hotels) offer rooms overlooking the bay. In winter, or early spring, you can easily secure one, sometimes at a discount for Maine residents. To see such a sunrise, lying in your bed, and equally compelling moons over the bay are an upgrade worth paying a little extra for. We don’t get to see such visions often.

When we spend weekends away on the bay, we’re always awake for sunrise.

How could we keep curtains closed and miss that?

We tiptoe out onto the deck, wrapped snugly in fluffy robes, no matter the cold. Just for a breath of the fresh air and to experience morning’s illumination. The golf course out front at The Samoset is empty at that hour, it’s beautiful expansive lawn leading straight to the rocky beach, the bay, the mile-long jetty and quaint Breakwater Lighthouse at the jetty’s end.

The circle of life. Another dark night turning into brilliant day.

Another winter season turning into spring. All comes back to life.

Including us.

Good morning!

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