Travel Writer Kim Kalicky
Eventide is an archaic word meaning evening.
Three couples hadn’t been out for an overnight on the boat together since their twenties. Now middle-aged, with adult children, and the baggage that ebbs and flows during a life lived that long, they set out toward Monhegan Island, Maine from Portland, full of joy, telling stories of back-in-the-day, listening to 80’s music.
But over the course of the day, their burdens begin to seep out – a child who is addicted to drugs, possibly a fault of the father’s. A son home from Afghanistan with anger issues and one leg. A senior-in-college daughter who has no desire for a job, just like her mother.
Exploring Monhegan Island, conversations (and drinks) continue to flow as the afternoon wanes. By evening, it all falls apart.
Back on the boat brings rain and an accident and then an opportunity taken. Collusion in murder.....can it ever work?
Click to buy Eventide on Amazon
travel memoir
2011 1st place winner of Beach Book Festival
national writing contest nonfiction
Going away to camp is an escape, a refreshing of your soul, a
means to disconnect from all you are day-to-day…and yet
connect much more deeply with your family and your
authentic self. It is returning to the same place in nature, year
after year, that creates lasting memories.
My aunt and uncle owned a camp, and I spent my childhood
there, my memories rich with its part in my life. After fifteen
years away from it, I returned as an adult, and for ten years my
own young family spent time there each summer.
I capture the essence of what getting away, not to France or a
villa in Italy, but right in our own states, for a very little cost,
can do for our spirits. What I describe happening for my
children as they aged will encourage other parents to make a
tradition of getting away themselves with their own families.
Click to buy Away at a Camp in Maine at Amazon
Featured on The Huffington Post and
Of the women my age whom I know (50-ish), I am one of a
handful who worked full time (plus) all the way through the
raising of my sons. But The Shriver Report of 2009, a
comprehensive study on working families, says women like me
may become the norm. I feel a responsibility to speak up, and
share what that looks like. I offer new mothers the 2 things I
would do differently.
Click to buy Mothers Fulfilled at Amazon
In addition to travel, I have written articles for: